| UMPP Reaping economies of scale | Mrinalini Prasad, Wednesday, July 04, 2012, 14:49 Hrs [IST] | |
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 Initiated in 2005-06, the ultra
mega power project (UMPP)
initiative is a big step forward
in India's power generation
segment. This special story by
Mrinalini Prasad gives a
comprehensive update on the
progress so far, analyses the
challenges and prognosticates
the way forward for India's
UMPP ambitions. To meet the growing gap of demand and supply of
power in the country, a need was felt to develop
large capacity projects at the national level to
meet the power requirements a number of states through
tariff-based competitive bidding. Keeping this larger
canvas in mind, the power ministry launched an initiative
in 2005-06 to facilitate the development of ultra mega
power projects (UMPPs) each having an indicative capacity
of 4,000 mw, at both the coal pithead and coastal locations.
It was also proposed to deploy fuel-efficient and
environment-friendly supercritical technology in the
UMPP series.
Pithead projects are envisaged to utilize the indigenous
coal whereas coastal projects would depend on imported
coal. This initiative, aims at delivering power at
competitive cost to consumers by achieving economies of
the scale. The Central Government has accordingly taken
the initiative for facilitating the development of UMPPs
under tariff based competitive bidding route on build, own
and operate (BOO) basis. Central Electricity Authority
(CEA) is the technical partner and Power Finance
Corporation (PFC) is acting as the nodal agency.
Untitled Document
Name of UMPP |
State |
Type |
Developer |
Transfer |
Tariff |
Date |
(Rs/kwh) |
Mundra |
Coastal |
Tata Power Ltd |
23-Apr-07 |
2.264 |
Sasan |
MP |
Pithead |
Reliance Power Ltd |
07-Aug-07 |
1.196 |
Krishnapatnam |
AP |
Coastal |
Reliance Power Ltd |
29-Jan-08 |
2.333 |
Tilaiya |
Pithead |
Reliance Power Ltd |
07-Aug-09 |
1.770 |
*As of May 31, 2012 |
Four UMPPs namely Sasan in Madhya Pradesh, Mundra in
Gujarat, Krishnapatnam in Andhra Pradesh and Tilaiya in
Jharkhand have already been transferred to the respective
successful bidders so far.
The Mundra UMPP in Gujarat is the first UMPP project of
the country. The project is also the first in the country to
use high-efficiency 800-mw supercritical technology. The
import coal-based project, with five units of 800-mw each,
was awarded to Tata Power after it quoted lowest levelized
tariff of Rs.2.26 per kwh. The special purpose vehicle for
the project—Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd—was transferred
to Tata Power in April 2007. The project site is located in
the Kutch district of Gujarat.
Mundra power project received financial closure in April 2008. The total cost of the project has been estimated at
Rs.17,000 crore. The contract for boiler island scope has
been placed with Doosan Heavy Industries &
Construction Company, Korea on EPC basis. The steam
turbine generator supply contract has been placed with
Toshiba Corporation. The power from the project will be
supplied to Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Haryana and
Current Status
The first unit of the Mundra UMPP was commissioned in
March 2012 and the second unit is expected to be
commissioned in August 2012. According to the company,
all the units of the power project are likely to be
commissioned by March 2013, around 17 months ahead of
its schedule.
Fuel: Mundra UMPP is based on imported coal, entirely
sourced from Indonesia. As such, the recent change the
pricing policy of coal by the Indonesian government has
had an adverse impact on the cost dynamics of the project.
Last year, Indonesia government decided to benchmark
coal prices for exports in accordance to the international
prices as against the "negotiated route" previously decided.
This has had a negative impact on the cost structure and
also power tariffs of imported-coal based power projects in
the country. Tata Power has been in talks with the
government to find a solution to the matter. Meanwhile,
the company is blending low-grade coal to the imported
coal to bring down the fuel cost.
Transmission: Power Grid Corporation of India
(PGCIL) commissioned the transmission system for two
units of Mundra UMPP on September 29, 2011. The
commissioned system includes Mundra-Bachau-
Ranchodpura 400kV double circuit line and 630MVA
Bachau 400/220kV substation. The work on the remaining
system is under progress. PGCIL is implementing the
transmission system for the project, at a total estimated
cost of Rs.5,000 crore.
Sasan project, based in Madhya Pradesh, is being developed
by Reliance Power through its subsidiary Sasan Power Ltd.
The project was transferred to Reliance Power in August
2007 after the company emerged as the lowest competitive
bidder. The project is spread over 2,000 acres of land in
Singrauli district, Madhya Pradesh.
Sasan power project received financial closure in April
2009. The total cost of the project has been estimated at
Rs.19,400 crore and the tariff from the project has been
worked at Rs.1.196 per unit. Reliance Infrastructure Ltd is
the EPC contractor with Shanghai Electric of China has
been appointed as main plant equipment supplier.
Sasan UMPP is being developed at a pithead site and has
been allotted three captive coal mines by the coal ministry.
These mines, Moher, Moher Amlori extension and
Chhatrasal, are estimated to hold total reserves of around
750 million tonnes. Power from the project will be supplied
to seven states-Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
Current Status
Reliance Power has revised the CODs from those given in
the power purchase agreements. According to the PPA, the
first unit of the project was expected to be commissioned
by May 2013. However, the first 660-mw unit of the
project is now expected to be commissioned in January
2013. The remaining five units will be progressively
commissioned by June 2014. A recent CEA review however
pointed out delays in project execution. Boiler erection for
Unit II, slow progress in case of land conveyor and
switchyard erection are some of the works found to be
lagging. The developer has agreed to review the progress on
the second and subsequent units and deploy additional
resources, if needed, to achieve milestones.
Fuel: Though Moher and Moher Amlori extension coal
mines allotted to Sasan UMPP received environmental and
forest clearances, Reliance Power is still awaiting transfer
of land from Northern Coalfields Ltd that will enable the company to extract coal from these blocks. At the recent
joint monitoring committee meeting, the developer
informed that they are still awaiting handover of land by
Northern Coalfields Ltd for coal block. SPL informed CEA
that with the available land they will be able to meet the
targeted coal production for commissioning of first unit
but they will need the remaining land at the earliest for
ramping up the coal production. Meanwhile, the company
is awaiting the environment clearance for the Chhtrasal
coal block.
Transmission: PGCIL is developing the transmission
line for Sasan UMPP with an investment of about Rs.7,031
crore. At the monitoring committee meeting, PGCIL
informed that 274-km 765kV S/C Satna-Bina Line-I and
311-km 765 KV S/C Bina-lndore Line (311 km) have been
completed and test-charged. However, forest clearance for
Stage-I was awaited for Sasan-Satna Line-1, in which 34
km line and 46 locations are in forest area.
Untitled Document
Name of SPV |
State |
Type |
Tatiya Andhra Mega Power Ltd |
AP |
Coastal |
Chhattisgarh Surguja Power Ltd |
Pithead |
Deoghar Mega Power Ltd |
Pithead |
Coastal Karnataka Power Ltd |
Coastal |
Coastal Maharashtra Mega Power Ltd |
Coastal |
Orissa Integrated Power Ltd |
Pithead |
Sakhigopal Integrated Power Company Ltd |
Pithead |
Ghogarpalli Integrated Power Company Ltd |
Pithead |
Coastal Integrated Power Ltd |
TN |
Coastal |
*List may not be exhaustive |
Krishnapatnam UMPP is the second UMPP won by
Reliance Power. The SPV for the project—Coastal Andhra
Power Ltd—was transferred to the company in November
2007. Being a coastal project, the project will use imported
coal as fuel. Reliance Power will sell the power at levelized
tariff of Rs.2.33 per kwh. Power from the project will be
sold to four states- Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil
Nadu and Maharashtra.
The Krishnapatnam UMPP achieved financial closure in
July 2009. The total cost of the project has been estimated
at Rs.17,450 crore. The EPC contract for the project has
been placed on Reliance Infrastructure and Shanghai
Electric Corporation is the main equipment supplier.
Current Status
Krishnapatnam UMPP, much like the Mundra project, is
contending with a deadlock due to the change in price of
imported coal from Indonesia. All the units of the projects
were scheduled for commissioning by October 2015, as per
the power purchase agreement. However, with the works
at the project stalled, the government is considering to
drop it out of the capacity programme for the XII Plan
Fuel: Reliance Power had acquired three coal mines in
Indonesia to source coal for its Krishnapatnam power
project. However, the change in coal pricing policy by the
Indonesia government last year adversely affected the
project cost structure. According to the company, the
project is not feasible anymore as the price of coal has shot
up to $60 per tonne from $24 per tonne at the time of
bidding. In view of this, the company has expressed its
inability to go ahead with the implementation of the
power project. In view of the works coming to a standstill,
the power procurers slapped a notice for penalty of Rs.400
crore on Reliance Power. However, the company has got a
stay from the Delhi High Court against the notice.
Reliance Power has asked the Central government to
intervene in the matter. It has also taken up the issue with
the Indonesia government and requested them to exempt
the fuel supply agreements that were executed before the
regulation so that the projects can be executed as per the
power purchase agreements. The company has also
requested the Centre to endorse this proposal to the
Indonesia government.
Transmission: For ease of implementation, the
transmission project for the Krishnapatnam UMPP was
taken up in three phases. Part A and Part C of the
transmission project comprised of elements that were
associated with direct off-take of power from the units,
while Part B comprised of elements needs for
interconnections between the regions. In view of the
project deadlock, Part B of the project has been de-linked
from the Krishnapatnam UMPP. Meanwhile, some
elements of Part C of the transmission project have been
deferred till the time things become clearer on the project
development front.
The 3,960-mw Tilaiya UMPP is the third ultra mega power
project bagged by Reliance Power. The project is a pithead
project that envisages construction of six units of 660-mw
each. The project is being developed by Reliance Power
through the SPV Jharkhand Integrated Power Ltd, which is
now a wholly owned subsidiary of the company. The SPV
was transferred to the Company in August 2009. The
project is coming up in Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand.
The project has been allocated two captive coal mine
blocks,Kerandari 'B' and 'C', with combined reserves of
almost 1.3 billion tonnes. The mine plans for development
of these mines have been prepared and are currently under
government approval. The mine plan envisages annual
production of almost 40 million tonnes of coal.
The total cost of the project has been estimated at
Rs.24,000 crore, including the coal mine development, and the tariff from the project has been worked at Rs.1.77 per
kwh. Power from the project will be supplied to ten states
in northern and eastern India. According to the PPA, the
first unit of the project will commission in May 2015 and
the entire project will be commissioned by May 2017.
Current Status
Delay in land acquisition is pushing the project away from
its schedule and even the pre-construction activities are
not picking up pace. Further, JIPL has been facing R&R
issues. Before the bidding of the project, total R&R was
estimated to be Rs.481 crore. However, post bids, the R&R
expenditure shot up manifold to Rs.3,612 crore, which is
likely to have a serious impact on the project cost and the
corresponding tariff. Meanwhile, financing for the project
is in progress.
Fuel: The Kerandari 'B' and 'C' coal blocks allocated to
the project have drawn a lot of attention from the industry.
The blocks are estimated to produce about 30 million
tonnes of coal per year whereas the annual requirement of
the project is only about 18 million tonnes. The coal
ministry has allowed the company to use the excess coal in
its other coal-based projects. However, the empowered
group of ministers has decided to review their decision and
let the excess coal usage from the blocks be governed by the
new policy on this subject which is being formulated by
the coal ministry.
Transmission: The associated transmission system for
the Tilaiya UMPP is being developed by PGCIL in
accordance with its completion schedule.
Learning Curve |
The Sasan project, which marks the first of the UMPP series,
was a huge learning experience for the government. The award
of the project was mired in intense controversy and succeeded in
rattling the UMPP experiment. However, it was due to this
episode that the UMPP policy framework was strengthened,
resulting in the subsequent projects being processed and
awarded in a smooth manner.
It may be recalled that the Sasan project was originally awarded
to a consortium of Globeleq Singapore Pte Ltd (70 per cent) and
Lanco Infratech (30 per cent), in July 2007. Interestingly, the
winning duo had quoted a levelised power tariff of Rs.1.196 per
kwh, which by itself, had surprised industry circles.
Soon after Lanco-Globeleq consortium was declared as the
winning bidder, problems began as Globeleq exited the project.
Globeleq's 70 per cent stake in the project was acquired by Lanco
Infratech and Jindal Steel & Power. Lanco assured that it would
honour the power tariff irrespective of the change in ownership.
Since the winning consortium was no longer in its original form,
losing bidders insisted that nodal agency Power Finance
Corporation disqualify the bid.
Further, it was also discovered that Globeleq had
misrepresented financial and technical details while bidding for
the project. In view of this, Lanco was disqualified and Reliance
Power was awarded the project after it matched the winning bid—
a judgement that took over six months in deliverance.
RfQ for Chhattisgarh UMPP was issued on March 15, 2010
and for Orissa Integrated UMPP on June 11, 2010.
However, due to categorization of coal blocks of these two
UMPPs in 'No Go' area by environment ministry, the last
dates of RfQ bid submission were extended several times
leading to a considerable delay. The matter was taken up
with the environment ministry at different levels and after
receiving the clearance for coal blocks of Orissa UMPP, the
response to RfQ were opened on August 01, 2011. Total of
20 bidders responded against the RfQ of Orissa UMPP. The
evaluation of the response is underway. However, the coal
blocks of Chhattisgarh UMPP, which are in Hasdeo-Arand
coal fields, have not yet been cleared and therefore, the RfQ
submission dates have been successively extended. Most of
the prerequisites for issuing RfQ for coastal UMPP at
Cheyyur in Tamil Nadu have been completed and it is
expected to be issued shortly after the finalization of
revised standard bidding documents.
Transmission systems for the Orissa Integrated UMPP and
Chhattisgarh UMPP have been identified. However, the
proposal will only be finalized after the bidding processes
of the projects have been completed. Transmission system
for the other projects will be firmed up in the course of their
implementation process.
CHALLENGES IN UMPP IMPLEMENTATIONIndonesian coal policy: The change in regulations with
regard to coal pricing in Indonesia has had an impact on all
imported coal-based projects in India. Last year, Indonesia
government decided to benchmark coal prices in
accordance to the international prices as against previously
negotiated prices. With respect to the awarded UMPPs,
two are imported coal based - Tata Power's Mundra UMPP
and Reliance Power's Krishnapatnam UMPP. Since both the
developers placed their bids considering the earlier coal
policy of the Indonesia government, the project is
becoming unviable at the projected tariff. While Tata
Power has been mitigating the price escalation by blending
imported coal with low-grade coal, Reliance Power has
stopped work at Krishnapatnam UMPP.
Local populace: There has been considerable delay in
site finalisation, land acquisition and conducting sitespecific
studies due to resistance from local populace.
Opposition from locals has delayed implementation of
Maharashtra, Karnataka UMPPs and second UMPP in
Andhra Pradesh. Environment and forest issues: The environment and
forests issues particularly 'go' and 'no-go' issue of coal
blocks have been hampering the progress of several UMPPs.
Due to this, the last date for submission of RfQ for the
Orissa and Chhattisgarh UMPPs were extended as many as
six and nine times respectively. This issue effectively delays
the Orissa UMPP by over one year, whereas the coal blocks
of Chhattisgarh UMPP, which is already delayed by more
than two years, have not yet been cleared.
Besides, generally long time is taken for obtaining
environment and forest clearance for the projects which
delays the bidding process and implementation of the
projects. For the four awarded UMPPs time taken for
environment and forest clearance is given in Table 3.
Water linkage: There has been enormous delay in
obtaining water linkage for domestic coal-based projects.
Water linkage for Orissa and Chhattisgarh UMPPs were
obtained after delay of over one and a half years. Due to
non-availability of water, sites for additional UMPPs in
Orissa are being identified at coastal locations so that sea
water can be used for the project.
Untitled Document
Environ. |
Forest |
Sasan |
169 |
931 |
Mundra |
249 |
1,096 |
Krishnapatnam |
351 |
NA |
Tilaiya |
448 |
1,208 |
*No of days from approval date |
Revision of SBDs: As per decision of Empowered Group
of Ministers (EGoM), legal vetting of the Standard Bidding
Documents was carried out by an international law firm
along with an Indian law firm as interface. The proposed
modifications were discussed in the EGoM meeting held in
January 2010. Power ministry is in the process of further
revising the SBDs on the basis of references received from
various stakeholders. A committee has been formed by the
power ministry to examine all references from
stakeholders for review of 'Case-1' and 'Case-2' SBDs and to
make appropriate recommendations.
Forest land: As concerns regarding depletion of forest
area use are gaining prominence, all efforts are being made
during the site selection for UMPPs that forest land is
avoided as far as possible. Further, power ministry is taking
up the forest related issues regarding 'Go' 'No-Go' area in
coal blocks allocated to Chhattisgarh UMPP with the
environment ministry.
The UMPP initiative is a big achievement for the Indian
power sector, mainly the generation side. Each UMPP is
envisaged to have installed capacity of around 4,000 mw by
which economies of scale are ensured. However, the UMPP
endeavour is poised to do much more than merely create large-scale power generation capacity. The UMPP series is
structured on tariff-based bidding, which means that the
project will be awarded to the most competitive tariff
quoted. This is in the ultimate interest of the consumer.
Tariff-based bidding also creates an equalizing effect
between public and private sector entities. In this regime,
public power generation utilities come at par with private
entities in bidding for projects. Although the public sector
has so far not been very forthcoming in bidding for UMPPs,
the scenario might change in future.
The UMPP series has seen the advent of supercritical
power generation equipment that is far more efficient and
environment-friendly than conventional gear. It can thus be
assumed that some environmental concerns associated with
coal-fired power plants could be assuaged by the use of
supercritical equipment. It is heartening to note that
supercritical-grade equipment is coming to be the norm for
all new power generation projects. In the XII Plan period,
over 60 per cent of the new coal-based power generation will
come from supercritical technology, which in the XIII Plan
(2017-22), the corresponding metric will be 100 per cent.
What is striking about the UMPP endeavour is that it can
be a biggest expression of public-private partnership. While
it is very evident that government agencies need to
gradually move out of the power sector and let private
enterprise take over, the government will still enact the
role of a facilitator. In the UMPP series, the government is
mandated to assist the developer in pre-project activities
like land acquisition, securing clearances, water linkages,
etc. If the government commits itself to the cause of just
two factors—land acquisition and environment
clearance—developers will have lesser encumbrances to
deal with as the project progresses. So far, the government
has not been at its efficient best in terms of pre-project
facilitation. Land acquisition, the first step towards any
project, poses to be an insuperable hurdle, resulting in
delays in awarding UMPPs, or even bringing them close to
the bidding stage. Several UMPPs in the pipeline are
struggling to overcome the first hurdle—land.
Untitled Document
Cap on bidders |
The UMPP endeavour, much like any other PPP initiative, seeks
broad-based participation of the private sector. In this
reckoning, the UMPP episode has not done too well, at least thus
far. Out of the four UMPPs awarded, three have gone to a single
bidder, Reliance Power. The other was clinched by Tata Power.
With a view to ensuring that UMPPs get wider private sector
participation, and do not get clustered around a single bidder, the
power ministry recently came up with a guideline that the number
of UMPPs awarded to a single bidder will be limited to three. It
has also been observed that there has been a decline in the
number of UMPP aspirants. In the Sasan UMPP, the first project to
be bid out, there were nine bidders in the fray. However, this
petered down to three by the Tilaiya project, the fourth in the
series, was awarded. The new directive of limiting the number of
UMPPs may restrict the number of projects for a developer, but
there needs to be a wider proactive participation by bidders—
something that cannot be manoeuvered by policy directives. |
The role of the government as a facilitator is critical to
the success of the UMPP series. If the government does not
expedite matters and fails to create a ready shelf of UMPPs
for award, interest from developers is bound to wane. Just
four UMPPs awarded in over five years so far is not an
enviable track record by any yardstick.
Going by its sheer size, a UMPP carries tremendous
inherent risk that is borne entirely by the developer. To be
able to honour the tariff quoted over the entire duration of
the power purchase agreement—usually 25 years—is a big
challenge. UMPPs are bound to contend with challenges
and unwelcome eventualities not just during the
construction phase, but also during regular operation. One
such unforeseen difficulty has surfaced and is threatening
the viability of two projects—Mundra and
Krishnapatnam—both designed to run on imported coal.
The developers of these projects had entered into longterm
agreement with Indonesian coal suppliers for
purchasing coal at discounted rates. In fact, these
relatively-low fuel rates were responsible for the
competitive winning tariffs quoted. It so happens that the
Indonesian government recently proscribed export of coal
at less than market prices, jeopardizing the project
economics. Though the UMPP developers in question have
approached the power ministry with their predicament,
the matter is still pending resolution.
As of now, the success of the UMPP series depends more on
the government's ability to do justice to its role as facilitator.
The private sector, at least based on the four projects
awarded, appears to be doing its part. Despite the delays in
awarding, the Sasan and Mundra projects have made up for
lost time and are now ahead of schedule. Project
construction and operation is well within the efficient
realms of the private sector, it is only the government's
ability to score well on the policy front that will determine
the future of the UMPP dream. There are at least nine
UMPPs on the drawing board, presenting a big opportunity
for the government to better its past performance. | | |