Power Exchange India recently signed a memorandum of
understanding with Korea Power Exchange (KPX) to
explore business collaboration for strategic initiatives in
overseas power markets.
The priority areas identified for joint working and
cooperation are; sharing of information regarding power
markets, cooperation on improvements of competitive
electricity markets, training employees to enhance their
understanding of the electricity markets and sharing of
expertise including the new business initiatives like REC
trading. Through this MoU, both the organizations can
synergies their efforts in taking forward their expertise and
knowledge for offering effective solutions to power markets at
national and international level.
"We are hopeful that this association will help our objective
of transforming the Indian electricity market. This MoU will
bring in a global perspective which will help us to create a
benchmark in the areas of operations and product offerings."
said Ms Rupa Devi Singh, Managing Director & CEO, PXIL.
The MoU was signed by Rupa Devi Singh and Ho-Ki Nam,
Chairman & CEO, KPX. |