Electrical Monitor

MERC approves power tariff hike in Maharashtra

Em News BureauThursday, September 13, 2012, 17:32 Hrs  [IST]

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission has approved an overall hike of 16.48 per cent in the average tariff charged by state power utility Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd (Mahavitran).

The revised tariff that has come into retrospective effect from August 1 would affect over two crore power consumers in Maharashtra. The tariff increase is mainly on account on rising cost of power purchase, in turn caused by a rise in fuel prices.

Mahavitran had filed a petition before the Commission seeking approval for average revenue requirement (ARR) for FY13 of Rs.50,750 crore. MERC, however, has approved ARR of Rs.48,926 crore.

As per the revised tariff order, MERC has increased the fixed charge for below poverty line consumers from Rs.3 a month to Rs.10 while reducing the energy charge from Rs.0.89 to Rs.0.76 per unit.

For domestic consumers under the category 0-100 units and 100-300 units, the tariff has been revised to Rs.3.36 per unit from Rs.2.82 and from Rs.5 to Rs.6.05, respectively.

For residential consumers under the category of 301-500 units and 501-1,000 units, the tariff has been revised from Rs.7.15 per unit to Rs.7.92 and from Rs.8.29 to Rs.8.78, respectively.
