Electrical Monitor

New energy-efficient LED offering from GE Lighting

Em News BureauSaturday, November 17, 2012, 14:54 Hrs  [IST]

GE Lighting, a division of GE, has announced the launch of its LED roadway product family for the Indian market. This complements GE's recent launches of LED downlights and LED 2x2 recessed troffers for retail and commercial office applications.

In India, the demand for power has been consistently outstripping the supply resulting in frequent power cuts that is adversely affecting the quality of life. Lighting consumes about 20 per cent of all the electricity generated. Using GE's Energy Efficient LED Lighting products is one way by which the load on the power grid can be reduced, an official statement by GE Lighting noted.

GE's products have been designed to specifically suit the harsh environmental conditions in India. For instance, higher ingress protection (IP 66) with pressure die cast construction has been incorporated to protect the LED system from rains and dust, and wide input voltage drivers are used to handle significant voltage swings.

The LED space is globally poised to take over 60 per cent of the lighting market by 2020. In India LEDs are projected to grow over 40 per cent on a year-on-year basis. With this new launch, GE Lighting expects to outpace the market growth in India by 2 to 3 times, the statement added.
