Power Exchange of India Ltd
(PXIL), on May 30, concluded
the country's first successful
Solar REC trade. The first Solar
Certificate was traded on the
exchange which helped the
participants to meet their
obligations. The Solar Certificates
were traded at a price of Rs.13,000
per certificate. The trading session
witnessed participation from
several members including
obligated entities like the
distribution licensees, captive
power plants, traders and open
access users.
M & B Switchgears Ltd became the first solar power producer in India to be
issued solar RECs. The Indore-based company was issued 249 solar RECs by the
National Load Dispatch Centre in New Delhi. The company in March 2012 had
commissioned India's first grid-connected solar power plant (of 2 mw) under REC
mechanism in Rajgarh district of Madhya Pradesh.