Indian Electrical & Electronics
Manufacturers' Association
(IEEMA), India's nodal agency
representing the manufacturers of
electrical, industrial electronics and
allied equipments in has announced the
launch of 10th edition of ELECRAMA.
To be held during January 18-22, 2012 in
Mumbai, India, the five day expo will be
the World's largest one-stop-shop for
power transmission and distribution,
and electrical and industrial electronics.
For the first time, three key
ministries—power; heavy industries &
public enterprises; and commerce &
industry—have come forward to
support this signature event that has
potential to catapult India on the global
stage, an IEEMA statement said.

Commenting on the launch, Ms Indra
Prem Menon, Chairperson,
ELECRAMA 2012, said, "India is on the
cusp of an infrastructure revolution and
the power sector has a key role to play.
As per government estimates, $600
billion of planned investments in power
generation, transmission and
distribution are at various stages of
progress and ELECRAMA 2012 will play
a huge catalyst role in bringing
investors, manufacturers and decision
makers together. At IEEMA we are glad
to present this 'India Power Factor', a
global platform that will position India
in the right perspective."
Seen as the largest confluence of the
power T&D sector, ranging from 110V
to 1,200kV, HVDC and power
electronics, ELECRAMA offers an
international framework for display,
discussions and deliberations amongst
global T&D fraternity comprising of
business, thought leaders, technologists
and professionals from the utilities,
industry and academia.