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Gear exhibit by Siemens at Mumbai expo

Jibran Buchh ,  Monday, June 27, 2011, 11:37 Hrs  [IST]

Untitled - 24.jpgSiemens Drive Technology (DT) Division for the first time participated in Gears, Motors & Controls Expo 2011, held recently in Mumbai. Siemens showcased products particularly focusing on the end-to-end solution portfolio which covers entire train spectrum-from source to shaft.

Jyotindra Verma, Vice President, Drive Technologies Division, Siemens, said "We had a factory established in 2005 which makes the gear boxes for wind industry, last year we started assembling process for large gear boxes which is supplied to cement power industries and various other industries and this year we have started assembling center for geared motors. Geared motors are very simply mechanical equipment or motors that are electro mechanical which would give the input of electronic power to produce mechanical power. We use to import these gear boxes but now we are assembling the gear boxes here."

The gamut of products ranges from gear boxes to converters. Siemens Drive Technologies division is looking forward not to cater to standard products but also offers products accustomed to specific applications, systems and the solutions thereof.

"We have gears, we also have motors and controllers too, so Gears, Motors & Controls Expo fully supports the basket that we have either as product independent or as combined system, because in most of the industries all there are used in combination. Hence all business needs can be met only through one manufacturer saving time and cost," observed Verma.

Untitled - 25.jpg"The product basket is capable of fulfilling all requirements from minute to large projects; from general to specialized ones. All business requirements can be net under one roof. With a strong technological base and German engineered products, all needs can be served—from source to shaft. The current practice of various industries are that they buy the gear box , motors and controls separately. What we are trying to push in the market and let people of the various industries know that we have the all three—gears, motors and controls— in one basket, and in short, a single window optimization of all these three elements."

On market demand, Verma observed "The market usage for combined motors and gear boxes is high. As far as Siemens goes, we have four factories in Mumbai and one in Kolkata. We also have a factory in Hyderabad. With 21 factories and 35 sales offices we have our presence all over India, simply to meet the demand."
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